Just like the saying, “the rich also cry”, the “tormentor of women also gets tormented by women.” Insecurity in love is usually associated with women because the majority of men are fun-seekers. They approach women with un-seriousness. This attitude produced the ‘one night stand’ or ‘kick and go’ syndrome often heard.

The issue of the trueness of love bugs the male heavily only when he is in love. In this state, he is possessive, a ‘one-woman man.’ Because women have known men to be fun seekers, they remain on their guard. This makes them sometimes hold back their true emotions. Otherwise, they give back too little or so it seems to the male in love to make him suffer untold heart-wrenching distress. She might like him but she might not love him. The male in love seeks total surrender for total possession and total commitment.

The uncertainty in women’s consent in love matters, makes men press for a quick answer by rushing for sex at the slightest opportunity or the slightest disadvantage they find the woman in. That is the supposed consent through physical contact or proof of consent.
But sex is not consent. The male always fails to realize this and this compounds his problem. For a woman, sometimes sex doesn’t mean a thing. She can say yes to sex or marriage if she sees her comfort guaranteed, and then she can hope for love and understanding from the male. For a man, the reciprocal love of a woman means more than a regular and willing sex partner. Sometimes, it means power.

It’s not only women who wish for Mr Right, Miss Right is also hard.
For the male, the love of a woman gives him something to cherish and thus pride. This certainty of her love sometimes dictates how much comes out of his pocket. So uncertainty is like he is living in a fool’s paradise through reckless spending.

If a woman is not in love with you, you can’t force it and if you wish to live on hoping that the situation will improve, you will damage your health. Women are heartless in this situation. For a male, stress can lead to unpredictable consequences. You have to be very careful not to commit an assault on the girl and the love turns to hatred. Since you also cannot pretend to love her less to balance the equation, you have to endure the torture as she smiles to say “But I love you too” otherwise it is “Don’t be silly, you know I love you.”

It’s fun to see a big and powerful male undergoing torture from a small fry of a girl. Who says the powerful do not cry? Ask Samson! Men need to learn to cry.

These are the signs that your love doesn’t love you.
1.    You plead before she agrees to visit you.
2.    She visits only if you say “I have so-so and so at home.”
3.    When you ask “when do I see you” she replies “whenever.”
4.    She does not do anything exceptional in your presence. She does not even mind if you do not say she is finely dressed.
5.    She does not comment on your attire or anything about you.
6.    Her conversation appears forced and she speaks like she is shouting or quarrelling.
7.    She appears commercial in her demands, “I want…,” I need…,” “send me…,” “give me…,” “Can I get…?”
8.    She would not call unless you call. And if you do she has nothing to discuss with you.
9.    She appears irritated most of the time in your conversations, always finding fault in your actions.
10.    If you fail to come, she doesn’t ask “why” or she mocks you “so when?”

When will this slavery end?  Some people advise “if you cannot get the one you love, love the one you have” but how about if the one you have does not love you? If she does not love you and you have proof, then the advice rather than a solution is to chill the relationship without showing anger or accusing her of not loving you.

Turn her into an acquaintance rather than a lover. This situation stabs her conscience and if she feels she is losing you, she could change. If she lets it slip further, you deserve congratulations for saving yourself and your emotions.
Remember, even money cannot improve the quality of love, it can help to give love a wrong direction and kill it.

Good Luck.

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