Every traveller needs a map to stay on course.  Maps are trails that bridge the gap between the start point and the desired destination. The burden of a dream is made easier to carry with the aid of a mentor. The mentor is an old traveller who has successfully walked the walk in a particular field.  As such, becomes a resource person who guides the navigation of inexperienced prospects who wish to follow suit. The mentor has enough experience and can share insights that fill up the knowledge gap if the mentee is willing to tap from the wealth of experience. The pursuit of a goal with the nurturing of a mentor accelerates exponential growth with zero or minimal mistakes recorded. 

With many parading as mentors or thought leaders, the aspiring mentee would need to be proactive in outlining goals and visions in the most lucid form in a bid to rightly select the one who perfectly fits the bill. The interesting part is that finding the right mentor is not as challenging as applying the discipline needed to get results. The blueprints are not enough for replicating the successes even if it goes a long way in the chase for results. The mentor is a proven crack code to the many struggles that lie in waiting for the journeymen. But first, the mentee needs to be open-minded enough to trust the processes which may be totally different from earlier expectations.

To keep the mentor-mentee relationship going smoothly, the mentor needs to also benefit from the mentee in some kind of way. Such as the exchange of value for services rendered in whatever form or shape that would show gratitude. That way, the mentor feels the commitment and appreciation that further serves as a motivation to go the extra mile while staying on course. As every forward strive has its challenges, so does this symbiotic relationship. The challenge of different expectations on the methods of execution would test the resolve of the mentee. Seeing ideas from different lenses creates varying perspectives but the experience of the mentor should always be considered due to the success recorded by the mentor.

The time constraints between the student and the teacher will pose a significant challenge in the mentoring process.  Also, the pace and grace of either party in transmitting and receiving the ideas needed to further strengthen the goal of the association would be a barrier. For the most part, the benefits are overwhelming. It is easier to feel inspired when you know are walking under the guidance and tutelage of a master; the confidence and belief it brings to the fore is unmatched and it rubs on all involved. The bright prospects of networking with like minds will also create further possibilities or untapped success.

When it comes to relationships, keeping them in tact requires discipline and tolerance. Hence, the a need for emotional intelligence in handling the contrasting emotions that come with its dynamic and disruptive tendencies. The price to pay for the success of productive mentor-mentee collaboration is never too much compared with the gains. Those who go through many sacrifices in order to stand out have better results. A rightly selected mentor is an asset that provides a profound impact on career paths and fosters personal growth. The introduction of viable networking amongst industry players is one of the guiding lights a worthy mentor brings to the journey of the mentee in making sure there are no loose ends while walking the tightropes of dreams and aspirations.

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