How can incompatible people become not just friends but great friends? Yeah, it is highly possible. They always say “show me your friends and I will tell you who you are.” Some say “like minds flock together” but despite the absence of common interest, it is still possible to make great friends and also have a happy marriage between a husband and a wife with them having little in common.
Although this combination is not the guaranteed panacea for sustained togetherness, yet some great friend who shares nothing but fondness for each other hold the odd key to having been together over many years.
Paul is sporty, he plays football and he is a great athlete. That also confirms him as an outwardly social guy that mixes well with people. He is not at any time short of company. John is a classmate of Paul. John is a very reserved person. He is quiet and likes jokes, reading comics, draws and writes. He only watches sports if he must but not as a favourite or dedicated pastime or for continual indulgence. He has very few friends and rather prefers to play music most of the time. But Paul and James are both fond of each other. At a distance, you see them giggle in their conversation and wonder what they have in common to discuss that is thrilling to both of them for hours. You see one escorting the other a long way and gesticulating with his hands in exposition and merriment. What could they be discussing?
Kenny is married to Sarah. While Sarah is a very sociable person and outgoing person, Kenny is a reserved person who is a practical fix-me kind of a person. He is not, however, dull but not as open as his wife. He does not bother much about the television but the wife would almost live with it. He plays music but his wife is not so bothered. The wife is fashionable but he is not so bothered. They have been married for 15 years. Their reason for staying together so long raises a curiosity. When they are together, what do they do together that is of interest to both of them? Love has nothing to do with it now if it was the cause of their blindness in the beginning. But for 15 years they can’t be blind together at the same time.
For Paul and John, they just like the company of each other. Not for any particular reason. Paul has the nature and power to drag John along to anywhere with little persuasion even though John is strong-willed. Occasionally they drink together but drinking is not the magnet of their friendship. They just agree and they respect other’s tastes. One does not disapprove of the other’s way of life and is patient with the other.
For Kenny and Sarah, Sarah tells Kenny short delightful stories of what happened at the Church or at the market; who visited when he went to work and all that transpired. They communicate well in the company of the other, like friends of the same gender or like a brother and his sister. So it is not romance or sexual attraction but a longing for the other’s humanity.
So it is not always true that until you have something in common with someone, a great friendship cannot result.
This suggests that you don’t always need the service of internet matchmakers to link you to a greater friend or a soul mate with a similar interest. You also do not need opposite traits in people to attract each other like a magnet’s North and South. All you need is no reason. Don’t dismiss people because you feel you have nothing in common with them. They might be the listening type. Both of you might be the ear and the mouth; the best communicators who might not discuss trifles but issues of your hearts and because your pal has your confidence, you really would be fond of them. That is a good reason without a reason why.