Humanity can be correctly represented as male, female and society. This situation presents three views; Views of men, women and society. The dominant element, the male doubles as the giver of society’s view. So the majority opinion women face is both men’s and society’s. So it is understandable if women team up to fight for equality or emancipation from the two monsters. And because men are human, they listen. The result is a double standard.
The laws are against women but for protecting women, men make laws to eliminate men. A paradox; men on their own expect women to obey the voice of society. Men produce the laws, women are supposed to obey; as expected, the laws favour men. Society is silent on men’s infidelity but makes women’s flirtation a taboo. Hence it is customary for a man to marry many wives or to sleep outside his home but a woman risks divorce. Society expects women to wear the sexy outfit at the beaches to thrill men but conscience plays its role as men put laws against men’s expected excesses hence woe betides a man who takes advantage of the free entertainment of viewing bikinis. So you see a double standard; women’s dresses are provocative but there are compensated. You can now see that most laws are against men themselves. If a woman screams and a man is around then automatically the man is guilty of attempted rape. It does not matter if the man is still wearing a tie over a complete 3 piece suit but for the fact that the woman is half-naked due to her tearing her clothes herself, then the male is guilty. In court, the penalty is stiff sometimes 15 years. Society believes that a woman cannot be very sexy hence a woman cannot induce a man for sex.
It is a case of acknowledging the overbearing 2:1 (two to one) ratio on decisions affecting women and this method of “the male is always guilty” is a way to placate women.
Of course, women are no fools. They plead protection hence if a man treats them badly, the law favours them. They know with the law, even if they fool around and a man dares sues for divorce, then believing that only men can hurt them, they could demand alimony. In child-related matters, they rely on their whims and men have put laws against men convinced that gender affords women better choice for child custody (even if the bases of divorce is child neglect from her). Men have now marginalized themselves.
So “some men can also be the victims, not villains of family break-ups. A woman named Widdecombe, once confessed (Readers Digest, Jan 2000) “father may be loving, responsible, faithful and devoted but he can still lose a residence battle, even if his deserting wife is a feckless, selfish or a multiple time adulteress”.
So societal laws are given to courts to implement. It is ironic that men are the majority there meting out very heavy punishment to their fellow men who break the laws that falsely make women sinless. Some of the societal myths or expectations are:
Women do not feel sexy.
Women cannot chase men.
Men only should go to marry women.
In any divorce the likely offenders are men.
Men can flirt and have no punishment.
If a woman flirts, she can be punished
Men can marry limitless numbers of women.
A woman can only marry one man.
A woman must wear a dress that can expose her under if she sits down.
A man must wear a ‘cover all’ dress.
Women are the best child keepers (in divorce).
A man who sleeps with underage gets 15 years.
A man who forces a woman for sex gets 15 years.
A man who impregnates a girl must be punished.
Only women can be called prostitutes and not insatiable men.
Only men can be heads of families.