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Sometimes we remember the ear and we unplug the wax, but only when it irritates us. And after that, is there anywhere else to clean? But the case of the ear is different. We consciously prevent water from going in there. Even the use of earbuds to remove wax is not the same thing as washing.

What If There was no Africa as a Continent
Critical Reasoning EXHIBITION

What If There Was no Africa as a Continent

The existence of Africa is unique for a major reason: to enable the rest of the world to survive— the main reason is economic. The main economic expectation of nature is trade, buying to enable the rest to produce, thus facilitating lifelong business sustenance for the producers. If there are no buyers then there would be no need to produce, and no product means no work, then economic problems— no employment, and a harsh reality to live in.

She's pregnant, so what?

She is Pregnant, So What?

Otherwise, when the news is an expectation, the male is in a state of euphoria, he behaves irrationally by an outward show of joy. He could declare drinks and wear a thick smile as a sign of confirmed masculinity. Then when the reality hits him through her physiological changes, he builds up stress.

Men's Exclusive

The Dangers of Being Born Male

As the breadwinner, in most cases, he has to labour from dawn to dusk. The pressure of being male and the social high expectation affects his morals thus reducing his chances of getting to heaven. For example, to succeed in business he has to be shrewd, hard, heartless and even wicked against his fellow men. Killing in some cases is part of his business strategy because business is seen as ‘politics’ and vice visa.

Do Women Really Sin?
Critical Reasoning

Do Women Really Sin?

What is sin? From the religious point of view, a sin is an act of defiance of set rules. If eating bread is forbidden, then eating it is a sin. In relation to male and female relationships, the woman is expected to submit to the man (Gen 3:16). In this regard, she remains blameless even for acts that she wilfully commits. The silent logic is that a man, in fact, any man should have restrained her; the weak vessel, from committing unwholesome acts, else the blame shifts to the man or all men. Women, like children, are supposed to be weak and maybe feeble-hearted, hence incapable of doing wrong. But every boy is a potential man, who like real men are made strong in body and mind; and as such, capable of self-control for personal accountability, hence capable of committing sin.


Incompatible Great Friends

So it is not always true that until you have something in common with someone, a great friendship cannot result.

Love Clinic

Love Tortures Men Too

If a woman is not in love with you, you can’t force it and if you wish to live on hoping that the situation will improve, you will damage your health. Women are heartless in this situation. For a male, stress can lead to unpredictable consequences. You have to be very careful not to commit an assault on the girl and the love turns to hatred. Since you also cannot pretend to love her less to balance the equation, you have to endure the torture as she smiles to say “But I love you too” otherwise it is “Don’t be silly, you know I love you.”


Does Giving Gifts to the Male Make a Woman be Less a Woman?

True love manifests where there is giving and continuous giving irrespective of gender. The urge to give is more because the thing given out is like a bottled potion of the great love exploding in you. By giving, you want to show care. But if you want to be cared for, hence you expect to receive only, would that not make you look like you are frigid; loveless or even heartless? Why are women generally like that?

The Silent family Constitution

The Silent Family Constitution

Some other rules to control the child’s appetite are “Don’t accept or eat food given to you outside this house without my permission.” Some to control begging by children “If you beg money from anyone or a stranger, I will flog you.” or “If you are given money and you did not show it to me and you spend it, I will punish you.” There are accepted sharing rules which indicate that the most senior must share food and the most junior gets the least.

The healing Power of Beauty

The Healing Power of Beauty

The healing power of beauty is in the production of the symptoms of healing by the encounter of beauty. The state of a mind for beauty to have an effect would be; boredom, depression, anxiety, monotony and a feeling of being in the doldrums.