Lassa fever was founded in 1969 in the town of LASSA, Borno State, Nigeria. It’s a very deadly disease that has claimed many lives. It is carried and spread by rodents through direct contact with foodstuff. The faeces, urine and breast milk of these rodents are proven to be transmission passages. Since the epidemic took a centre stage, there have been different forms of enlightenment. However, this is a fresh perspective.
Before the recent reoccurrence, there were unconscious measures taken to keep these rats at arm’s length, but due to man’s insatiable appetite for a taste of different varieties of meat, cats became victims. With the cats now at arm’s length, the rodents are trying to take over the food chain. So this is an alternative means; a suggestive scheme that agrees with logic but not much for rationality. Anyway, be the judge.
In a bid to end this, I suggest that the government of any country facing this challenge look into this submission critically. In fact, it should be a ‘National Concern’ in the budget.
The first step is to assign a percentage of the budget to protect the predator of rodents. These predators are the pussy cats— who have become victims of undue cruelty meted out to them by man. A proportion of the budget should be assigned to all levels of Government, in order to eradicate this menace that has caused so many untimely deaths.
Here is simply how it works; a special colour of cats would be bought or reared to ensure uniformity. Each state or province would have a distinctive colour. The management and welfare of the cats would be contracted; thus, creating employment. These cats would strictly be watched, and maybe, a kind of poisonous substance will be injected into them. Thereby, discouraging perpetrators from repeating their cannibalistic acts. Eating pussies would be strictly prohibited in the grand scheme of things, going forward (no pun intended).
After all these standard procedures have been taken into cognition, a certain number of cats would be delivered to every residential and industrial area with the company of a supervisor. The supervisor of the pussies must be an Animal Rights activist. Preference would be given in the allotment of cats to areas believed to be rat infested. Interested persons who practically live with rodents would have to register with the SAVE THE CAT MINISTRY (STCM), this would enable them to have a license to take the cats into their homes for a specified number of days. This registration is for a fee, and the subscription is renewable.
At the period of the rent agreed, those in the custody of the Super Cats (Eradicators) would make sure they adhere to the guidelines concerning the project and also, the Ministry would not be responsible for damages caused by the ‘eradicators’ in their pursuit. Their job description is crystal clear but there may be some excesses, which may include; licking soups and stealing meats from the pot. Any complaint in this regard from the customer would be charged to court as a suicidal attempt by the Ministry — The terms and conditions will include a disclaimer of this sort.
If the rodents are not fully eradicated or there are no certainties of that fact at the agreed time, the customer can seek replacements for the cats in their possession. This exchange would expose the subscribers to more aggressive and hungry cats. The STCM aims at generating internal revenue for the government through the services provided by the Eradicators, and also putting an abrupt end to the Lassa fever epidemic. This process insight was given freely for the betterment of our world. You are welcome.