She's pregnant, so what?

She is Pregnant, So What?

Otherwise, when the news is an expectation, the male is in a state of euphoria, he behaves irrationally by an outward show of joy. He could declare drinks and wear a thick smile as a sign of confirmed masculinity. Then when the reality hits him through her physiological changes, he builds up stress.

The healing Power of Beauty

The Healing Power of Beauty

The healing power of beauty is in the production of the symptoms of healing by the encounter of beauty. The state of a mind for beauty to have an effect would be; boredom, depression, anxiety, monotony and a feeling of being in the doldrums.


Living With a Difficult Neighbour

If your neighbour always wets the floor, wet it more deliberately until he notices it and complains. Then you smoothen it out in a discussion. If he always tunes his radio high, tune yours higher until he gets the message or complains. On your part, form a habit of informing an owner before using their property.


The Art of Consideration For Others

The art is a demonstration of love, the love for your neighbour to a larger extent, the fear of God. If we fear God, then we would consider our actions in reference to the happiness or sadness of others. We would not take people’s feelings for granted. We would not take their things without their prior consent in other not to violate their rights.
We would handle people’s properties with added care in order not to cause third party depression.