Love Clinic

Love Tortures Men Too

If a woman is not in love with you, you can’t force it and if you wish to live on hoping that the situation will improve, you will damage your health. Women are heartless in this situation. For a male, stress can lead to unpredictable consequences. You have to be very careful not to commit an assault on the girl and the love turns to hatred. Since you also cannot pretend to love her less to balance the equation, you have to endure the torture as she smiles to say “But I love you too” otherwise it is “Don’t be silly, you know I love you.”

Critical Reasoning

Measure of Jealousy Between Men and Women

If even a faithful lover can be accused or suspected of infidelity, then is there no healthy understanding between professed lovers? And since this same threat reoccurs even after the parties are wedded, then can we feel it is a drive borne out of love?