Men's Exclusive

The Dangers of Being Born Male

As the breadwinner, in most cases, he has to labour from dawn to dusk. The pressure of being male and the social high expectation affects his morals thus reducing his chances of getting to heaven. For example, to succeed in business he has to be shrewd, hard, heartless and even wicked against his fellow men. Killing in some cases is part of his business strategy because business is seen as ‘politics’ and vice visa.

Men's Exclusive

Who to Tell the Male the News?

Men care less for themselves and would rather care for a woman regularly. This habit makes some men repeat the use of one shirt for as long, as they do not have time to think of it as unfashionable or good hygiene to change their shirt daily.

Men's Exclusive

Men as Victims of Their Own Oppressing Laws

So “some men can also be the victims, not villains of family break-ups. A woman named Widdecombe, once confessed (Readers Digest, Jan 2000) “father may be loving, responsible, faithful and devoted but he can still lose a residence battle, even if his deserting wife is a feckless, selfish or a multiple time adulteress”.

The Joy in Reading Women Magazine
Men's Exclusive

The Joy in Reading Women Magazine

Another thrill I found in Female magazines is that there is a harvest of fine stories. You don’t get stories in most male magazines. Another surprise was that most Male magazines do not indulge in pornography. They, however, teach techniques of “hunting women.” They tend to treat women with a kind of respect woman magazine do not give themselves at least in a man’s view.