
Incompatible Great Friends

So it is not always true that until you have something in common with someone, a great friendship cannot result.

Sacking your Lover

Sacking your Lover could be the Greatest Love

During her recovery period Richard was always by her side; loving her, writing her poems, singing for her and almost living by her side. He vowed to love her till death do them part. The marriage was to go on. That he really loved her was not in doubt.

Your Worse Enemy might be you

Your Worst Enemy Might be You

Being an enemy is not a lack of love for oneself but indulging in acts that would produce a decision that punishes the body or your welfare later. We are both our best friend and our worst enemy in one body. People look outwards for their enemies believing that such a revered villain must be lurking out there, wishing hell and brimstone. A characteristic of an enemy is that they wish or act against you. Unknowingly, we act against ourselves. How do you explain a man who risks his life for the thrill of his own pleasure? Yet, life would be dull without challenges.


Paradox of Unplanned Mazes that Plan Ancient Towns

ncestral land is scarce hence every space is golden. If all communal lands were planned to cater for roads, playgrounds and more, there would be less land for housing purposes. Besides, because of the traditionally sustained extended family culture, everyone likes to live close to the other as a commune of people that are closely related by the language they speak. This is the philosophy underlying the maze housing project development.