Sexy Tales

The Riddle of The Mysterious Injury

Austin’s injury had the mask of a great mystery. He was married and works with a big company. They usually send him for courses. It was on one such trip at another town―a likely place for most men in temporary freedom from their wives to vent the heat of their sexual desires for ‘a little taste of outside love’. But this time after several attempts, Austin failed to “capture” a female companion for the night hence he gave up; to sleep alone. He woke up the next morning to observe that he had sustained an injury on his shaft. It was bruised, red and swollen, having been grazed on the longitudinal half of the whole length. Naturally, it is only when it is used like a pestle pounding a mortar that injury could result. Sometimes, when it is handled roughly as a work of art by an admirer, it could scrape. Even the latter case is indicting, if not embarrassing for a married man, yet he slept alone and did not touch it. There is no way he could hide this raw injury from his wife when he gets home. What can he explain to have happened then?

Critical Reasoning

Measure of Jealousy Between Men and Women

If even a faithful lover can be accused or suspected of infidelity, then is there no healthy understanding between professed lovers? And since this same threat reoccurs even after the parties are wedded, then can we feel it is a drive borne out of love?