The Unlikely Contestant

The Unlikely Contestant

He charged at her as a final assault more as a chauvinistic expression than reason. At first, she dodged. But like the bully that he is, he charged again. She was ready. Using her small frame to advantage in their height disparity, she passed between his legs again. This time he was quick to turn but not before she grabbed one of his legs, raised it and pulled it simultaneously. Then he lost his balance and crash-landed on the muddy floor the second time. This time on his bum with his muscle-endowed legs splayed wide apart. Of course, his trouser joint was split open like ribs exposing other fancies peeping from under his pant. Having done this, the wife escaped. He did not have time to change into another dress before he encountered his astonished admirers.

The Diplomatic Lie

The Diplomatic Lie

Carol was so much in love that after her married lover, Fred, walked out on her after she had offended

Humour Stories

Bushy Paths

With so little time to think, I started heading out of the lecture block, mumbling greetings as I breezed past my best buddies. I thought in my head ‘this is no time for courtesy’. My walk to freedom was in full swing and suddenly, I spotted a light at the end of the tunnel―a bush. ‘You can make it’ I reassured myself, if I don’t, my reputation will literally be ‘full of crap’.