Males do not really see the threats they face just by the chance factor of their gender. Women fare much better comparatively. Women’s seemingly disadvantaged position is usually pronounced at conflict moments mostly while men’s case is throughout their lives. In a war situation, women become captured, they become sex slaves. They have to avoid pregnancy during war or they risk dying but they are forced to have sex irrespectively. They cannot run very fast or do very risky things to survive hence they die also.
Irrespective of their education they get abused by males who are nonentities but empowered by war. Women are humiliated and supposedly reduced in value. Some of them masquerade in men’s clothing as camouflage for as long, otherwise, they are turned into commodities for grabs. But the good news is that their lives are mostly spared for the thrill of further abuse.
For a male, he is not sure of living until old age because of the male’s risky lifestyle. This naturally can kill him before he is of age. Check all the orthopaedic hospitals in the world. If the male survives long enough, and war breaks out, he is the most expendable creature. Most die before 18 years. In war, a boy is a man. Because that class is more, they die more. If he survives and lives longer, his success in life is measured by how much he owns hence he is in temptation. It leads men to rob and get killed quickly; most jails are built for males. If he succeeds in avoiding this temptation, he exerts more than necessary effort to succeed and dies younger than women―as records show when the average life span of a woman is 80, a man’s is 60. In some cultures, he is expected to fight, sometimes to death, in contests to win the hand of a lady for marriage. Generally, money-making outlets are full of life-threatening baits that terminate a man’s life too quickly.
Remember what a prominent Nigerian once said: “no affluent man talks about morals”. And without morals, how can men make heaven? How then do we save the male as an endangered species?
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