Even as an occupant of one small room you would not be able to assess the amount of property you have acquired over the years until you try to move somewhere else.
It starts like this; I would need to keep all my things in this corner to create space elsewhere and that space can be used effectively for the foldable iron table. OK, for more comfort, it is better to move my books from the shelf to a place nearer the bed so that I can conveniently reach them. Ah, I would then need a reading lamp by the bed.
So is the drive for personal comfort at reasonable times until the house gets filled yet unnoticed because things are still well-arranged stacked or placed out of the way until the need arises for bringing them out to see the sun.
But within all the important items so far gathered, there are inessential items too. These do not bother us where they are so we just let them be, feeling they might be useful someday. Imagine all your kids are grown up but you still retain the baby cot and pram, even toys and unused drapers.
Once, a friend of mine kept all his empty milk tins in anticipation of a future lucky dip raffle draw from the milk manufacturers. My other friend kept all his empty shoe polish tins for an imaginary “more tins qualify you to a raffle ticket to win big.”
These might be extreme cases. But some people find it difficult to dispose of empty toothpaste tubes. For others, it was the drug storage box.
A great discovery was made by a lady when she decided to clean her closet after months of neglect. She found one of her “thought lost” earrings inside an idle shoe under her bed. The other discovered the home of some rats behind a long-disused cupboard.
Laziness rather than a lack of time is the reason why people would not consider cleaning their closets to create more space for fresh air in their homes.
A false sense of a full room representing affluence is a wrong reason for not throwing away that broken hanger or that rusted cork opener.
Cleaning the closet is a healthy habit that needs all the time and programme to implement, so as to give your home a healthy spacious look.